The Invisible Hill

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A fresh start

After many years it was time to change the layout of the website. New mobile devices, new way of interacting with websites made the old layout impossible or hard to use. After hearing your comments about the site I have made some changes in the look and feel of the site. I hope it is something that is easier to use and easier to read than before, on all of your devices.

The renewed website is sort of a new beginning in many ways. I've had some less good news in the past months and that has affected the way I've been able to train and it has had a negative impact in motivation as well. I will undergo some unpleasant things in the upcoming months, but after all I'm sure that will only make me stronger in the future. You will get to know more about the circumstances later.

At the same time, I wanted to create more interesting readings for you, not only about my personal goals and training, but more news and interesting things from the world of cycling. You will be able to read more about Fincycling and everything around it, but I will also try to bring you some interesting interviews from the pro-tour level. I will begin that chapter already later today. I had the opportunity to interview Matthias Brändle from IAM Cycling about his hour record attempt tomorrow. So be sure to check it out!

Picture from IAM Cycling website 

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